Child Maintenance Lawyers and Advice

Child maintenance lawyers offer advice in the area of how much maintenance money should be payed. Payments to a parent of a child or children after a divorce or separation of the parents has taken place.

Both parents of children have to by law to support them financially. And a child maintenance lawyer is able to advise on the best possible solution for you. Whether you are in custody of the children or not.

The courts decide on child maintenance payment amounts. And they will will take into consideration the monthly earnings and income of both parents.

If the parent who the child or children are living with is out of work then the court will make calculations of what that parents time and labor is worth. Then the court will calculate a payment amount.

A parent is liable to pay maintenance by law even if the parents of a child or children were never married. A court of law can order a parent to pay maintenance to the primary care giver of a child or children. And this is where a child maintenance lawyer’s advice and assistance can help.

Child Maintenance Lawyers and the Child Maintenance Act

Advice can be given to parents from a lawyer. Based on the law and the Maintenance Act. This act serves as helping to create a fair and just society. And takes into consideration the rights of both the children and the parents of a previous relationship.

Read More: Legal Child Maintenance Act of South Africa

Coming to an agreement on the amount of maintenance a parent should pay after a separation or divorce can become quite a frustrating, long and difficult task.

Therefore, it may be in your best interests to seek the help and advice of professional child maintenance lawyers. So that you can come to a quick and fair decision on the amount of maintenance a parent should pay.